On the up…

It’s been fantastic to see my Yoga for Men classes in Bristol growing into their new venues this year. I moved my classes to St John’s and Two Rivers schools in Keynsham as much because we had outgrown our previous homes. But also because they literally provided more breathing space and room to move.

Not only are class numbers on the up, but the guys’ scores out of 10 are also following suit. We ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ as we would if we were in a Talk Club listening circle, group therapy session or one of the other Talk & Move initiatives on offer.

So far this year I’ve seen scores increase on average by over 20% from the start to end of class. Simply from practicing an hour’s yoga and spending time on the mat. Isn’t it mind blowing?!

As an example, if a guy arrived in class and scored himself a 6.5/10 at the start, by the end he could score at least 8/10 and maybe higher. You may think ‘it’s just a number, what difference does it make?’ To these guys taking that moment to look up to the corner of room and choosing a figure, it means everything – it represents how positive they feel in body and mind simply by moving their bodies, being still and more.

My classes continue on Mondays at St John’s school in Keynsham and Thursdays at Two Rivers school in Keynsham. I offer a free first class to new joiners and a loyalty card that rewards regular attendance with a free class.